Thursday, 2 October 2008

Heroes is back!

It was a jam-packed night of Heroes! The action started at 7pm with a season preview. I started watching it at quarter past due to me watching 'In Bruges - Best Bits' on YouTube... I advise you watch the film.. it's amazing..

Anyway, I liked the way the Heroes season preview was shot. The interviews with the cast were very effective. I enjoyed the way they talked to you, 'breaking the fourth wall' if you like, then directed you to a TV screen, looking as eager to watch it as the viewer did... of course this was probably pre-meditated.. but still effective. The only thing out of place was the fact that the show was building towards an end which would link it to the season premiere.. something which, at the end of the show, viewers on BBC2 would have to wait a further hour!

Heroes Unmasked followed which basically goes behind the scenes after each episode. I remember this being the one that concluded the final series. It described the writer strike that happened towards the end of the second series. Apparently the writers (the ones that remained.. I'm not sure) had to make adjustments to the script on set. This is how they came about the storyline that Nathan Petrelli would be shot at a Press conference. This left viewers asking ..Who shot Nathan?.. Why? This is where the third series began... I advise you watch it.


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